Selected publications are downloadable in PDF format (please note that you are legally permitted to download the papers only if you or your institution are subscribed to the respective journals.)
R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, Control of Turbulent and Magnetohydrodynamic Channel Flows, Birkhauser, 2007.
Book Chapters
M. Krstic, J. Cochran, and R. Vazquez,
"Backstepping Controllers for Stabilization of Turbulent Flow PDEs," in P. Ioannou and I. Pitsilides (Eds.), Modeling and Control of Complex Systems, CRC Press, 2007.
R. Vazquez, E. Trelat, J.-M. Coron,
"Fast Tracking of Poiseuille Trajectories in Navier-Stokes 2-D Channel Flow," F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, S. Laghrouche, A. Loria and E. Panteley (Eds.), Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Networked Embedded Systems, ISTE Ltd., London, UK, 2007.
M. Krstic and R. Vazquez, "Magnetohydrodynamic channel flow: An exponentially convergent estimator with explicit gain functions," in S. Seenith (Ed.), Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2007.
- M. Krstic, L. Magnis, and R. Vazquez, "Nonlinear stabilization of viscous
Burgers PDE," in S. Sivasundaram, J. V. Devi, F.E. Udwadia and I. Lasiecka (Eds.), Advances in Dynamics and Control: Theory, Methods and
Applications , Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2010.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Stabilization of fluid flows," in W. S. Levine (Ed.),
2nd edition, The Control Handbook, Taylor & Francis, 2010.
- D. Rivas and R. Vazquez, "Uncertainty," in A. Cook and D. Rivas (Eds.), Complexity science in air traffic management, Ashgate Publishing, 2016.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Backstepping for PDEs," in J. Baillieul and T. Samad (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, 2nd edition, Springer, 2020.
Journal Papers
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"Explicit Integral Operator Feedback for Local Stabilization of Nonlinear Thermal Convection Loop PDEs," System and Control Letters, vol. 55, pp. 624-632, 2006.
- F. J. Rubio-Sierra, R. Vazquez and R. W. Stark,
"Transfer function analysis of the micro cantilever used in atomic force microscopy," IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 5, pp. 692-700, 2006.
- R. Vazquez, F. J. Rubio-Sierra and R. W. Stark,
"Multimodal analysis of force spectroscopy based on a transfer function study of micro-cantilevers," Nanotechnology, vol. 18, 185504, 2007.
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"A closed-form feedback controller for stabilization of the linearized 2D Navier-Stokes Poiseuille flow," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 52(12), pp. 2298-2312, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, E. Schuster and M. Krstic, "Magnetohydrodynamic state estimation
with boundary sensors," Automatica, vol. 44, 2517-2527, 2008.
- R. Vazquez, E. Trelat and J.-M. Coron, "Control for fast and stable laminar-to-
high-Reynolds-numbers transfer in a 2D Navier-Stokes channel flow," Discrete
and Continuous Dynamical Systems Ð Series B, vol. 10, pp. 925-956, 2008.
- C. Xu, E. Schuster, R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Stabilization of linearized 2D
magnetohydrodynamic channel flow by backstepping boundary control," System
and Control Letters, vol. 57, pp. 805-812, 2008.
- M. Krstic, L. Magnis, and R. Vazquez, "Nonlinear stabilization of shock-like
unstable equilibria in the viscous Burgers PDE," IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, vol. 53, pp. 1678-1683, 2008.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Control of 1-D parabolic PDEs with Volterra
nonlinearities - Part I: Design," Automatica, vol. 44, 2778-2790 , 2008.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Control of 1-D parabolic PDEs with Volterra
nonlinearities - Part II: Analysis," Automatica, vol. 44, 2791-2803, 2008.
- M. Krstic, L. Magnis, and R. Vazquez, "Nonlinear control of the Burgers PDE:
Trajectory generation, tracking, and observer design," ASME
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol. 131, 021012, 2009.
- R. Vazquez, E. Schuster and M. Krstic, "A closed-form feedback controller for
stabilization of 3D magnetohydrodynamic channel flow," ASME
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol. 131, 041001, 2009.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Boundary observer for output-feedback stabilization
of thermal convection loop," IEEE Transactions on Control
Systems Technology, vol. 18, 789-797, 2010.
- R. Vazquez and A. M. Gañan-Calvo, "An operational calculus framework to characterize droplet size populations from turbulent breakup by a small number of parameters," Journal of Physics A, vol. 43, 185501, 2010.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez and E. F. Camacho, "Chance-constrained Model Predictive Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous with Disturbance Estimation", Control Engineering Practice, vol 20 (2), 111-122, 2012.
- R. Vazquez, D. Rivas, "Propagation of Initial Mass Uncertainty in Aircraft Cruise Flight," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 36 (2), 415-429, 2013.
- J.-M. Coron, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, and G. Bastin, “Local exponential H2 stabilization of a 2x2 quasilinear hyperbolic system using backstepping,” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 51(3), 2005-2035, 2013.
- F. Di Meglio, R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic, “Stabilization of a system of n + 1 coupled first-order hyperbolic linear PDEs with a single boundary input," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 58(12), 3097-3111, 2013.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, “Marcum Q-functions and Explicit Kernels for Stabilization of 2x2 Linear Hyperbolic Systems with Constant Coefficients,” System and Control Letters, vol. 68, 33-42, 2014.
- R. Vazquez, F. Perea, J. Galan-Vioque, "Resolution of an Antenna-Satellite assignment problem by means of Integer Linear Programming," Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 39, pp. 567-574, 2014.
- A. Cook, H.A.P. Blom, F. Lillo, R. N. Mantegna, S. Micciche, D. Rivas, R. Vazquez, and M. Zanin,"Applying complexity science to air traffic management," Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 42, pp. 149-158, 2015.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez and J. A. Acosta, "Adaptive Backstepping Control for UAV Longitudinal Flight Dynamics with Thrust Saturation," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 651-661, 2015.
- J. Qi, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Multi-agent Deployment in 3-D via PDE Control," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 60 (4), pp. 891-906, 2015.
- F. Perea, R. Vazquez, J. Galan-Vioque, "Swath acquisition planning in multiple-mission EOSs: exact and heuristic approaches," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 1717-1725, 2015.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, E. F. Camacho, "An Iterative Model Predictive Control Algorithm for UAV Guidance," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 2406 - 2419, 2015.
- Long Hu, Florent Di Meglio, Rafael Vazquez, Miroslav Krstic, "Control of Homodirectional and General Heterodirectional Linear Coupled Hyperbolic PDEs,"IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 61, No. 10, pp. 3301-3314, 2016.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Boundary Control of Reaction-Diffusion PDEs on Balls in Spaces of Arbitrary Dimensions," ESAIM:Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 1078-1096, 2016.
- R. Vazquez, F. Gavilan, E. F. Camacho, "Pulse-Width Predictive Control for LTV Systems with Application to Spacecraft Rendezvous," Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 60, pp. 199-210, 2017.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Boundary Control of Coupled Reaction-Advection-Diffusion Systems with Spatially-Varying Coefficients," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62, pp. 2026-2033, 2017.
- R. Vazquez, D. Rivas, A. Franco, "Stochastic Analysis of Fuel Consumption in Aircraft Cruise Subject to Wind Uncertainty," Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 66, 304-314, 2017.
- G. Andrade, R. Vazquez and D. Pagano, "Backstepping stabilization of a linearized ODE-PDE Rijke tube model," Automatica, vol. 96, 98-109, 2018.
- Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis, Rafael Vazquez, "Nonlinear Bilateral Output-Feedback Control for a Class of Viscous Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs," Automatica, Vol. 101, pp. 223-231, 2019.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Boundary control and estimation of reaction-diffusion equations on the sphere under revolution symmetry conditions," International Journal of Control, vol. 92, pp. 2-11, 2019.
- Long Hu, Rafael Vazquez, Florent Di Meglio, Miroslav Krstic, "Boundary exponential stabilization of 1-D inhomogeneous quasilinear hyperbolic systems," SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 57, pp. 963-998, 2019.
- L. Camacho, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Boundary Observers for Coupled Diffusion-Reaction Systems with Prescribed Convergence Rate," Systems and Control Letters, vol. 135, 104586, 2020.
- J. C. Sanchez, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, C. Louembet, "A Flatness-Based Predictive Controller for Six-Degrees of Freedom Spacecraft Rendezvous," Acta Astronautica, vol. 167, 391-403, 2020.
- G. Andrade, R. Vazquez and D. Pagano, "Backstepping-based linear boundary observer for estimation of thermoacoustic instabilities in the Rijke tube with experimental validation," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol.65, pp. 5336-5343, 2020.
- D. Steeves, M. Krstic, R. Vazquez, "Prescribed-time estimation and output regulation of the linearized Schrodinger equation by backstepping," European Journal of Control, Vol. 55, pp. 3-13, 2020
- J. C. Sanchez, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, "Chance-constrained Model Predictive Control for Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit Spacecraft Rendezvous," Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 100, 105827,2020.
- S. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Folding Bilateral Backstepping Output-Feedback Control Design For an Unstable Parabolic PDE," IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, vol. 67, pp. 2389-2404, 2021.
- J. C. Sanchez, C. Louembet, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, "Event-based Impulsive Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous Hovering Phases," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 44 (10), pp. 1794-1810, 2021.
- J. C. Sanchez, J.D. Biggs, F. Bernelli-Zazzera, R. Vazquez, "Asteroid station-keeping predictive control with autonomous navigation and in-situ gravity estimation," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 45, pp. 262-279, 2022.
- R. Vazquez, J. Zhang, J. Qi, M. Krstic, "Kernel Well-Posedness and Computation by Power Series in Backstepping Output Feedback for Radially-Dependent Reaction-Diffusion PDEs on Multidimensional Balls," Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 177, pp. 105538, 2023.
- G. Pacheco-Ramos, D. Garcia-Vallejo, and R. Vazquez, "Formulation of a high-fidelity multi-body dynamic model for an electric solar wind sail," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 256, pp. 108466, 2023.
- J.M. Montilla, J.C. Sanchez, R. Vazquez, J. Galan-Vioque, J. Rey Benayas, J. Siminski, "Manoeuvre detection in Low Earth Orbit with Radar Data," Advances in Space Research, Vol. 72, pp. 2689-2709, 2023.
- L. Guan, C. Prieur, L. Zhang, R. Vazquez, "State Observation for Heterogeneous Quasilinear Traffic Flow System with Disturbances," Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS), 2023.
- G. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Rapid Stabilization of Timoshenko Beam by PDE Backstepping," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, pp. 1141-1148, 2024.
- G. Chen, R. Vazquez, Z. Liu and H. Su, "Backstepping control of an underactuated hyperbolic-parabolic coupled PDE system," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, pp. 1218-1225, 2024.
- L. Linares, R. Vazquez, F. Perea, J. Galan-Vioque, "The Shaving Algorithm: A Mixed Integer Linear Programming-based Model for Resolution of the Antenna-Satellite Scheduling Problem", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 60, pp. 463-473, 2024.
- J. Zhang, R. Vazquez, J. Qi, M. Krstic, "Multi-Agent Deployment in 3-D via Reaction-Diffusion System with Radially-Varying Reaction," Automatica, 161, 111491, 2024.
- J. Urrios, G. Pacheco, R. Vazquez, "A Receding Horizon Model Predictive Guidance Algorithm for Solar System Exploration using Electric Solar Wind Sails," Acta Astronautica, vol. 217, pp. 116-129, 2024.
- G. Andrade and R. Vazquez, I. Karafyllis, M. Krstic, "Backstepping Control of a Hyperbolic PDE System with Zero Characteristic Speed States," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 69 (10), pp. 6988 - 6995, 2024.
- J.M. Montilla, R. Vazquez and J. Siminski, "Single track orbit determination analysis for low Earth orbit with approximated J2 dynamics," Advances in Space Research, Vol. 74 (10), pp. 4968-4989, 2024.
- J.A. Rebollo, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, "A Symmetry-Based Unscented Particle Filter for Rapid State Estimation for SAL Guided Vehicles," accepted in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2024.
- J. Urrios, R. Vazquez, F. Gavilan, I. Alvarado, "Robust Model Predictive Control for an Ion Beam Shepherd in a large-debris removal mission," Acta Astronautica, vol. 225, pp. Pages 689-706, 2024.
- J.M. Montilla, R. Vazquez and P. Di Lizia, "Maneuver detection with two mixture-based metrics for radar track data," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 2025.
- G. Pacheco-Ramos, D. Garcia-Vallejo, and R. Vazquez, "Optimal planning and tracking for E-sail transition between steady-states," Acta Astronautica, vol. 158, 109949, 2025.
- A.S. Rivero, C. Bombardelli, and R. Vazquez "Space-Occupancy Conjunction Filter," submitted, 2024. Preprint at: Arxiv
- G. Chen, R. Vazquez,J. Qiao, M. Krstic, "Block Backstepping for Isotachic Hyperbolic PDEs and Multilayer Timoshenko Beams," submitted, 2024. Preprint at: ArXiv
- M. Lamarque, L. Bhan, R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic, "Gain Scheduling with a Neural Operator for a Transport PDE with Nonlinear Recirculation," submitted, 2024. Preprint at: Arxiv
- A.S. Rivero, G. Bau, C. Bombardelli, and R. Vazquez "A novel conjunction filter based on the minimum distance between perturbed trajectories," submitted, 2024. Preprint at: Arxiv
- X. Lin, R. Vazquez, G. Zhang, "Continuous-Thrust Analytical State Propagation for J2-Perturbed Nonlinear Orbital Motion," submitted 2024.
- G. Zamora-Caballero, R. Vazquez, F. Topputo, "Solar Sail Trajectory Optimization for Asteroid Flyby and Rendezvous, " submitted, 2024.
- Y. Zhao, R. Vazquez, "Event-triggered Boundary Estimation for 2X2 Hyperbolic PDEs with Disturbance, " submitted, 2024.
- R. Vazquez, J. Auriol, F. Bribiesca, M. Krstic, "Backstepping for Partial Differential Equations" submitted, 2024. Preprint at Arxiv
- J.A. Rebollo, R. Vazquez, I. Alvarado, D. Limon, "MPC for Tracking applied to rendezvous with non-cooperative tumbling targets ensuring stability and feasibility," Preprint at: Arxiv
- J.A. Rebollo, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, D. Limon, "A QP-Based Iterative Approach to On-Line Inertia Estimation for Non-Cooperative Tumbling Spacecraft," submitted, 2024.
- R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Gain-Only Neural Operator for PDE Backstepping," submitted, 2024. Preprint at: Arxiv
- X. Lin, G. Zhang, R. Vazquez, "Optimal control of linear time-varying systems through reachable set geometric analysis," submitted, 2024.
- X. Lin, G. Zhang, R. Vazquez, "Spacecraft Constant-Thrust Minimum-Time Rendezvous via Reachable Set Theory," submitted, 2024.
- R. Vazquez, "Backstepping Control Laws for Higher-Dimensional PDEs: Spatial Invariance and Domain Extension Methods, " submitted, 2025.
Refereed Conference Papers
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"Volterra Boundary Control Laws for a Class of Nonlinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations," in Proceeding of the Sixth IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2004), Stuttgart, Germany, September 1-3, 2004.
- F.J. Rubio-Sierra, Rafael Vazquez and R. Stark,
"Transfer Function Analysis of Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers," IMECE2005, Orlando, Florida, 2005.
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"Thermal Convection Loop Control by Continuous Backstepping and Singular Perturbations," Proceedings of the 24th American Control Conference (ACC), Portland, June, 2005.
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"Explicit Feedback Control for a Thermal Convection Loop," Proceedings of the Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 14 - 17, 2005.
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"A Closed-Form Feedback Controller for Stabilization of Linearized Navier-Stokes Equations: The 2D Poisseuille Flow," to appear, 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Sevilla, December, 2005.
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"A Closed-Form Observer for the Channel Flow Navier-Stokes System," to appear, 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Sevilla, December, 2005.
- M. Krstic, A. Smyshlyaev, and R. Vazquez,
"Boundary control of PDEs and applications to turbulent flows and flexible structures," 25th Chinese Control Conference, Harbin, China, 2006.
- Rafael Vazquez, E. Schuster and M. Krstic,
"A Closed Form Observer for the 3D Inductionless Hartmann Flow," Conference on Active Flow Control, Berlin, Germany, 2006.
- Rafael Vazquez, E. Trelat and J.-M. Coron,
"Fast Tracking of Poiseuille Trajectories in Navier Stokes 2D Channel Flow," Joint CTS-HYCON workshop, Paris, France, July 2006.
- Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"Higher Order Stability Properties of a 2D Navier
Stokes System with an Explicit Boundary Controller," 25th American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, June, 2006.
- Rafael Vazquez, J.M. Coron and E. Trelat,
"Stable Poiseuille Flow Transfer for a Navier-Stokes System," 25th American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, June, 2006.
- J. Cochran, Rafael Vazquez and M. Krstic,
"Backstepping Boundary Control of Navier-Stokes
Channel Flow: A 3D Extension,
" 25th American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, June, 2006.
- Rafael Vazquez, J.R. Rubio-Sierra and R. Stark,
"Transfer Function Analysis of a Surface Coupled Atomic Force Microscope
Cantilever System," 25th American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, June, 2006.
- M. Krstic, J. Cochran, and R. Vazquez,
"Decoupling and stabilizing Orr-Sommerfield and Squire systems by boundary control," 3rd AIAA Flow Control Conference, 2006.
- M. Krstic, R. Vazquez, A. Siranosian, and M. Bement,
"Sensing schemes for state estimation in turbulent flows and flexible structures," Proceedings of SPIE, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, Paper Number: 6174-28, 2006.
- J. Cochran, Rafael Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Backstepping Boundary Control of Navier-Stokes Channel Flow: Explicit Gain Formulae in 3D," 45th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, USA, December 2006.
- Rafael Vazquez, E. Schuster and M. Krstic,
"A Closed-Form Observer for the 3D Inductionless MHD and Navier-Stokes Channel Flow," 45th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, USA, December 2006.
- R. Vazquez, E. Schuster, and M. Krstic,
"A closed-form feedback controller for stabilization of magnetohydrodynamic channel flow," 2007 European Control Conference (ECC), Kos, Greece, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Boundary control of nonlinear PDEs by Volterra feedback linearization," 2007 European Control Conference (ECC), Kos, Greece, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Explicit output feedback stabilization of a thermal convection loop by continuous backstepping and singular perturbations," 26th American Control Conference (ACC), New York, USA, 2007.
- C. Xu, E. Schuster, R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Stabilization of linearized 2D magnetohydrodynamic channel flow by backstepping boundary control," 26th American Control Conference (ACC), New York, USA, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, J. Cochran, O. M. Aamo, and M. Krstic,
"Control of channel flow turbulence, vortex shedding, and thermal convection by backstepping boundary control," 26th American Control Conference (ACC), New York, USA, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Backstepping Boundary Control of Magnetohydrodynamic Channel Flow," 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Pretoria, South Africa, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Boundary control laws for parabolic PDEs with Volterra nonlinearities. Part I: Design," 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS, Pretoria, South Africa, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Boundary control laws for parabolic PDEs with Volterra nonlinearities. Part II: Examples," 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS, Pretoria, South Africa, 2007.
- R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic,
"Boundary control laws for parabolic PDEs with Volterra nonlinearities. Part III: Analysis," 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS, Pretoria, South Africa, 2007.
- M. Krstic, A. Smyshlyaev, and R. Vazquez, "Infinite-dimensional backstepping
and applications to flows in electromagnetic fields," Mediterranean Control
Conference, 2008.
- M. Krstic, L. Magnis, and R. Vazquez, "Nonlinear control of the Burgers PDE -
Part I: Full-state stabilization," American Control Conference, 2008.
- M. Krstic, L. Magnis, R. Vazquez, "Nonlinear control of the Burgers PDE - Part
II: Observer design, trajectory generation, and tracking," American Control
Conference, 2008.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, E. F. Camacho"Robust Model Predictive Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous with Online Prediction of Disturbance Bounds," AGNFCS‘09, Samara, Russia, 2009.
- F. Gavilan, J. A. Acosta, R. Vazquez, "Control of the longitudinal flight dynamics of an UAV using adaptive backstepping," IFAC World Congress, 2011.
- R. Vazquez, F. Gavilan, E. F. Camacho, "Trajectory Planning for Spacecraft Rendezvous with On/Off Thrusters," IFAC World Congress, 2011.
- R. Vazquez, D. Rivas, "Propagation of Initial Mass Uncertainty in Aircraft Cruise Flight ," 11th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference, 2011.
- J. Galan, R. Vazquez, E. Carrizosa, C. V. Flores, F. Perea, F. M. Crespo, "Towards a visual tool for swath acquisition planning in multiple-mission EOSs," 7th International Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space IWPSS-11, 2011.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, J. A. Acosta, "Output-Feedback Control of the Longitudinal Flight Dynamics Using Adaptative Backstepping," 2011 CDC/ECC, Orlando, Florida, 2011.
- R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, J.-M. Coron, "Backstepping Boundary Stabilization and State Estimation of a 2 X 2 Linear Hyperbolic System," 2011 CDC/ECC, Orlando, Florida, 2011.
- R. Vazquez, J.-M. Coron, M. Krstic, G. Bastin, "Local Exponential H2 Stabilization of a 2 X 2 Quasilinear Hyperbolic System using Backstepping," 2011 CDC/ECC, Orlando, Florida, 2011.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, J. A. Acosta, "Adaptive Control of Airplane Longitudinal Flight Dynamics," RED-UAS 2011, Seville, Spain, 2011.
- R. Vazquez, J.-M. Coron, M. Krstic, G. Bastin, "Collocated Output-Feedback Stabilization of a 2 X 2 Quasilinear Hyperbolic System using Backstepping," 2012 ACC, 2012.
- F. Di Meglio, M. Krstic, R. Vazquez, N. Petit, "Backstepping stabilization of an underactuated 3 X 3 linear hyperbolic system of fluid flow transport equations," 2012 ACC, 2012.
- A Valenzuela, D Rivas, R Vazquez, I del Pozo, M Vilaplana, "Conflict Resolution with Time Constraints in Trajectory-Based Arrival Management," Schaefer, Dirk (Editor) Proceedings of the 2nd SESAR Innovation Days (2012) EUROCONTROL. ISBN 978-2-87497-068-9.
- F. Di Meglio, R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic, "Stabilization of a linear hyperbolic system with one boundary controlled transport PDE coupled with n counterconvecting PDEs," Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2012.
- F. Di Meglio, R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic, "A backstepping boundary observer for a class of linear first-order hyperbolic systems," accepted, 2013 European Control Conference, 2013.
- R. Vazquez, and M. Krstic, "Marcum Q-functions and Explicit Feedback Laws for Stabilization of Constant Coefficient 2 x 2 Linear Hyperbolic Systems," 2013 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Explicit boundary control of a reaction-diffusion equation on a disk," IFAC World Congress, 2014.
- R. Vazquez, F. Gavilan, and E.F. Camacho, "Trajectory Planning for Spacecraft Rendezvous in Elliptical Orbits with On/Off Thrusters," IFAC World Congress, 2014.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Explicit boundary control of reaction-diffusion PDEs on arbitrary-dimensonal balls," 2015 European Control Conference.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, E. F. Camacho, "A High-Level Model Predictive Control Guidance Law for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles," 2015 European Control Conference.
- R. Vazquez, F. Gavilan, and E.F. Camacho, "Model Predictive Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous in Elliptical Orbits with On/Off Thrusters," Advanced Control and Navigation of Autonomous Aerospace Vehicles (ACNAAV'15), 2015.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, and S. Esteban, "Trajectory tracking for fixed-wing UAV using model predictive control and adaptive backstepping," Advanced Control and Navigation of Autonomous Aerospace Vehicles (ACNAAV'15), 2015.
- R. Vazquez and D. Rivas, "Analysis of the Effect of Uncertain Average Winds on Cruise Fuel Load," SESAR Innovation Days 2015.
- R. Vazquez, I. Librero, J. Galan, "An Algorithm for Generation of Antenna-Satellite Optimal Schedules by using Mixed Integer Linear Programming," 9th International Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space IWPSS-15, 2015.
- F. Lanagran-Soler, R. Vazquez, M. R. Arahal, "A Matlab Educational GUI for Analysis of GNSS Coverage and Precision," IBCE 2015 (IFAC Workshop on Internet-Based Control Education).
- D. Rivas, R. Vazquez and A. Franco, "Stochastic Prediction of Cruise Fuel Load Considering Ensemble Wind Forecasts," AEGATS16(Advanced Aircraft Efficiency in a Global Air Transport System), 2016.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Boundary control of coupled reaction-diffusion systems with spatially-varying reaction," CPDE 2016 (2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations), 2016.
- G. Andrade, R. Vazquez and D. Pagano, "Boundary Feedback Control of Unstable thermoacoustic Oscillations in the Rijke Tube," CPDE 2016 (2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations), 2016.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Boundary control of a singular reaction-diffusion equation on a disk," CPDE 2016 (2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations), 2016.
- D. Rivas, R. Vazquez and A. Franco, "Probabilistic Analysis of Aircraft Fuel Consumption Using Ensemble Weather Forecasts," ICRATS (International Conference on Research in Air Transportation) 2016.
- R. Vazquez and M. Krstic, "Bilateral Boundary Control of One-Dimensional First- and Second-Order PDEs using Infinite-Dimensional Backstepping, " CDC 2016.
- S. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Stabilization of an Underactuated Transport-Wave PDE System," 2017 ACC.
- L. Camacho, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Boundary observer design for coupled reaction-diffusion systems with spatially-varying coefficients," 2017 ACC.
- H. Yu, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Adaptive Output Feedback for Hyperbolic PDE Pairs with Non-local Coupling," 2017 ACC.
- S. Koga, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Backstepping Control of Stefan Problem with Flowing Liquid," 2017 ACC.
- R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Taking a Step Back: A Brief History of Backstepping," 2017 IFAC World Congress.
- G. Andrade, R. Vazquez and D. Pagano, "Boundary control of a Rijke Tube using irrational transfer functions with experimental validation," 2017 IFAC World Congress.
- R. Vazquez, "Backstepping: A method to Design of Controllers and Observers for Partial Differential Equations," CEDYA 2017.
- S. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Backstepping control design for a coupled hyperbolic-parabolic mixed-class PDE system," CDC 2017.
- H. Yu, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Adaptive Output Feedback Control of Flow-Induced Vibrations of a Membrane at High Mach Numbers," CDC 2017.
- F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, A. Lobato, M. de la Rosa, A. Gallego, E. F. Camacho, M. Hardt, F. Navarro, "Increasing Predictability and Performance in UAS Flight Contingencies using AIDL and MPC," 2018 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
- J. C. Sanchez, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, "A Predictive Guidance Algorithm for Autonomous Asteroid Soft Landing," IFAC Workshop Networked & Autonomous Air & Space Systems (NAAS), 2018
- J. C. Sanchez, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, C. Louembet, "A Flatness-Based Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Rendezvous of Single-Thruster Spacecraft," IFAC Workshop Networked & Autonomous Air & Space Systems (NAAS), 2018
- G. Andrade, R. Vazquez and D. Pagano, "Backstepping-based linear boundary observer for estimation of thermoacoustic instabilities in the Rijke tube," CDC 2018
- N. Bekiaris-Liberis, R. Vazquez, "Nonlinear Bilateral Full-State Feedback Trajectory Tracking for a Viscous Hamilton-Jacobi PDE," CDC 2018
- U. J. Aarsnes, R. Vazquez, F. Di Meglio, M. Krstic, "Delay robust control design of under-actuated PDE-ODE-PDE systems," ACC 2019
- D. Steeves,R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Nonlinear Bilateral Full-State Feedback Trajectory Tracking for a Viscous Hamilton-Jacobi PDE," ACC 2019
- S. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Backstepping boundary control of a 1-D 2 x 2 Unstable Diffusion-Reaction PDE System with Distinct Input Delays," ACC 2019
- S. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Bilateral Boundary Backstepping Control of a 1-D Unstable Parabolic PDE via a Folding Approach," CPDE/CPDS 2019
- D. Steeves,R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Prescribed-time H1-stabilization of reaction-diffusion equations by means of output feedback," ECC 2019
- J. C. Sanchez, C. Louembet, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, "An Event-Triggered Predictive Controller for Spacecraft Rendezvous Hovering Phases," ACA 2019
- G. Andrade and R. Vazquez "Design, simulation and implementation of a backstepping controller for regulating temperature in 3D printers," CDC 2019
- R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, J. Zhang, J. Qi, "Stabilization of a 2-D reaction-diffusion equation with a coupled PDE evolving on its boundary," CDC 2019
- D. Steeves,R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Prescribed-time stabilization of the linearized Schrödinger equation," ACC 2020
- G. Andrade and R. Vazquez "A Backstepping-based observer for estimation of thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube with in-domain point measurements," IFAC WC 2020
- R. Vazquez, J. Zhang, M. Krstic, J. Qi, "Output Feedback Control of Radially-Dependent Reaction-Diffusion PDEs on Balls of Arbitrary Dimensions," IFAC WC 2020
- J.C. Sanchez, J. D. Biggs, F. Bernelli-Zazzera, and R. Vazquez "Guidance, Navigation and Control for Asteroid Orbit Station-Keeping with In-Situ Gravity Estimation," ESA GNC 2020 (postponed to 2021)
- J. Auriol, G. Andrade and R. Vazquez "A differential-delay estimator for thermoacoustic oscillations in a Rijke tube using in-domain pressure measurements," CDC 2020
- R. Vazquez, J.C. Sanchez, J.M. Montilla, J. Galan-Vioque, F. Gavilan, F. Soler Lanagran, J. Rey Benayas, F.A. Rodriguez Lopez, J. Siminski, C. Perez Hernandez, "Manoeuvre detection for near-orbiting objects," 8th European Conference on Space Debris, 2021.
- G. Chen, R. Vazquez, Z. Liu and H. Su, "Backstepping control of mixed hyperbolic-parabolic PDE system with multiple coupling terms," CDC 2021
- J. Utrera, R. Vazquez, "Implementation in MATLAB of a Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter for Live Estimation of a Smart Device's Attitude," 2021 IFAC Workshop on Aerospace Control Education
- R. Vazquez, J.C. Sanchez, J.M. Montilla, J. Galan-Vioque, F. Gavilan, P. Mora Cubero, J. Rey Benayas, S. Rodriguez Rodriguez, J. Siminski, C. Perez Hernandez, "Two Manoeuvre Detection Probability Metrics Based on Radar Measurements and Validated with S3TSR Data," Stardust Global Virtual Workshop, 2021.
- J.C. Sanchez, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, C. Louembet, "Spacecraft Rendezvous Hovering Predictive Control around a Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit," CEAS EuroGNC 2022.
- G. Andrade and R. Vazquez, I. Karafyllis, M. Krstic, "Backstepping stabilization of a class of linear hyperbolic systems with a zero charactistic speed," CPDE 2022.
- G. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Backstepping-Based Exponential Stabilization of Timoshenko Beam with Prescribed Decay Rate," CDPE 2022.
- J.M. Montilla, J.C. Sanchez, R. Vazquez, J. Galan-Vioque, J. Rey Benayas, J. Siminski, "Manoeuvre detection based on S3TSR data," KEPASSA 2022.
- A.S. Rivero, C. Bombardelli, and R. Vazquez, "Fast Orbit Propagation for Conjunction Screening," KEPASSA 2022.
- J. Galan-Vioque, J.M. Montilla, R. Vazquez and C. Bombardelli, "Continuation and Bifurcations of Quasi Satellite Orbits in the Mars Phobos RTBP problem," CELMEC VIII, 2022.
- J.M. Montilla, R. Vazquez and P. Di Lizia, "Mixture-Based Cost Metrics for Maneuver Detection Using Radar Track Data," 33rd AIAA/AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2023.
- A.S. Rivero, C. Bombardelli, and R. Vazquez "Space-Occupancy Conjunction Filter," 33rd AIAA/AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2023.
- J. Galan-Vioque, R. Vazquez, F. Perea and L. Linares, "Earth Observation Antenna-Satellite Scheduling: a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach," IWPSS 2023.
- G. Chen, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Backstepping-based Rapid Stabilization of Two-layer Timoshenko Composite Beams," IFAC WC 2023.
- J.A. Rebollo, R. Vazquez, F. Gavilan, J. Cordero, J. Jimenez, "A Simmetry-Based Unscented Particle Filter for State Estimation of a Ballistic Vehicle," IFAC WC 2023.
- R. Vazquez, G. Chen, J. Qiao, M. Krstic, "The power series method to compute backstepping kernel gains: theory and practice," CDC 2023.
- G. Chen, R. Vazquez,J. Qiao, M. Krstic, "Block Backstepping for Isotachic Hyperbolic PDEs," ECC 2024.
- R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Gain-Only Neural Operator Approximators of PDE Backstepping Controllers," ECC 2024.
- A. Seuret, R. Vazquez, L. Zaccarian, "A hybrid dynamical system approach to the impulsive control of spacecraft rendezvous," ECC 2024.
- G. Napoletano. A. Seuret, R. Vazquez, "LA hybrid model for robust impulsive control applied to spacecraft rendezvous," EuroGNC 2024.
- F. P. Salzo. G. Bucchioni, R. Vazquez, "Model Predictive Control for Formation Flying around Halo Orbits," EuroGNC 2024.
- J. G. Lopez-Cepero, J. Galan-Vioque, R. Vazquez, "Control design for rendezvous operation near Halo Orbits using Lyapunov-Floquet theory and AUTO," EuroGNC 2024.
- J.A. Rebollo, R. Vazquez, I. Alvarado, D. Limon, "MPC for Tracking applied to rendezvous with non-cooperative tumbling targets ensuring stability and feasibility," CDC 2024.
- J.A. Rebollo, F. Gavilan, R. Vazquez, D. Limon, "A QP-based iterative approach to on-line inertia estimation for non-cooperative tumbling spacecraft," CDC 2024.
- X. Lin, R. Vazquez, M. Krstic, "Towards a MATLAB Toolbox to compute backstepping kernels using the power series method," CDC 2024. Preprint at: Arxiv
- A.S. Rivero, G. Bau, C. Bombardelli, and R. Vazquez, "Space Occupancy Path Conjunction Filter," KEPASSA 2024
- J.M. Montilla, J. Siminski and R. Vazquez, "Single track IOD for low Earth orbit with approximated J2 dynamics," KEPASSA 2024
- H. Siguerdidjane, S. Nakasuka, R. Vazquez, "Recent and future trends in space and aeronautics," Special section on selected advanced control systems," Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 60, pp. 196-198, 2017.
Invited talks and seminars
- "The Backstepping Method for Boundary Control of PDEs and Application to Steady and Unsteady Channel Flow Stabilization and Observer Design," November 30, Workshop on PDE control, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble, Francia, 2005.
- "Chance-Constrained Model Predictive Control with Application to Spacecraft Rendezvous," June 10, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, Francia, 2011
- "Local Exponential Stabilization of a 2X2 Quasilinear Hyperbolic System using Backstepping," 7th Workshop on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, 18-20 July, Wuppertal, Alemania, 2011.
- "Spacecraft Rendezvous using Chance-Constrained Model Predictive Control and ON/OFF thrusters," Workshop on Advances in Space Rendezvous Guidance,30-31 October, INSA-Toulouse, Toulouse, France 2013.
- "Robust Spacecraft Rendezvous using Chance-Constrained Model Predictive Control," University of Lehigh (Pennsylvania, USA), April 18, 2014.
- "Backstepping boundary control and state estimation for reaction-diffusion PDEs on arbitrary-dimensional balls," September 18, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, Francia, 2015.
- "Backstepping control of PDEs: foundations, recent results and open problems," Recife Workshop on Control & Stabilization of PDEs: 13-17 February, 2017, Recife, Brazil.
- "Control de EDPs mediante el Metodo de Backstepping: Bases, Resultados Recientes y Problemas Abiertos," Seminario del Instituto Matematico de la Universidad de Sevilla, 5 April, Seville, Spain, 2017.
- "Backstepping Control of PDEs: Basic Theory and Some Recent Results," Technical University of Crete, Greece, March 5, 2018.
- "Optimization and control theory applications in space missions," Space Symposium, Sevilla, Spain, March 9, 2018.
- "Backstepping or: how I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love PDEs," University of California, San Diego, USA, August 23, 2018.
- "A PDE Control Approach to Stabilization and Estimation of Thermoacoustic Instabilities in a Rijke Tube," Delays and Constraints in Distributed Parameter Systems, Toulouse, France, November 22, 2018. (Video)
- "Control of the longitudinal flight dynamics of an UAV using adaptive backstepping," Milano, May 28-29, 2019. Pisa, December 4, 2023.
- "Model Predictive Control for Aerospace Applications," Milano, May 30, 2019; UC3M, April 28, 2023.
- "Backstepping for PDEs: fundamentals and some recent results," Control in Times of Crisis online seminar, Feb 11, 2021.
- "Backstepping Control of Mixed Hyperbolic-Parabolic PDEs," SIAM CT21, 2021.
- "Estimation and Control of the Rijke Tube," SCINDIS 2020, Sep 28, 2021.
- "Deteccion de maniobras en orbita baja terrestre con datos de radar," IV Congreso de Ingenieria Espacial, 2022.
- "Responsible Use of AI tools to Generate Documents and Presentations: a mini-course" (Slides) , Sevilla, 2024.
- "Analisis de Orbita y Actitud de la Mision ALPHA3"" Sevilla, 2024.
- "Teaching Responsible AI Use to Aerospace Engineering Students", AI in Engineering Education: the place of ChatGPT and other tools for students and teachers (Pegasus remote workshop), 2024.
- "Actividades de Vigilancia Espacial en la Universidad de Sevilla: Deteccion de Maniobras y Analisis de Conjunciones", Real Observatorio de la Armada, San Fernando (Cadiz), 2024.