Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Ingenierķa Aeroespacial

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Desarrollo de una Aeronave Convertible No-Tripulada para Despliegue Rápido y Eficiente en Situaciones de Emergencia
DevElopment of an unManned convERtible aircraft for rapid and efficient deployment in emerGENcy situaTIons
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Responsible: SER
Participants:SER, ACT, OLG, CGC, JMH, JMJ, JMS, GVR, LBB.
Several areas of design of the prototype will be analyzed using a concurrent engineering aproach to ensure that all areas are considered during the design process. The design process will be divided in 3 big areas
- Conceptual Design
- Preliminary Design
- Detailed Design
- Define of the preliminary design according to the low level requirements: Request For Proposal (RFP) attending to medical real needs.
- Define the high level requirements that will allow to refine the proposal for the two prototypes, thus freezing the design and serve as an entry point in the Detailed Design
- T2.1. Preliminary design of the VTOL-CP prototype:
- Sensitivity study varying parameters of mission type (mission ranges, payloads, clibm and forward flight regimes) that will allow to define the viability of the family of missions to be performed.
- T2.2 Definition of the high- level requirements of the VTOL-CP aircraft:
- Concurrent preliminary design with principal design areas according to the family of missions: propulsive requirements, power and necessary energy, aerodynamic loads, general dimensions of the prototype (weight break-down, and geometry), performance and stability and control, payloads.
Feasibility and Contingency Plan:
- Researcher SER has a wide experience in the design and construction of fixed-wing RPAS, developed durin the past 15 years both in the academic and professional environments.
- Researcher SER has been the professor for the Aircraft Design at the ETSI of US for the past 11 years conducting multiple designs using Project Based Learning (PBL) methodologies in concurrent engineering environments which will help in the design phase of the project. The researchers GVR and LBB also have experience in the development of tilt-rotors.
Available Resources:
- Preliminary Design
- Includes the preliminary designs and the 3D prototypes being designed to analyze Aerodynamics Study
- Airplane Design Experience
- Airplane Design Tools
Master Thesis
- "Diseño y Desarrollo Preliminar de una Plataforma “UAV” para Misiones de Búsqueda y Rescate", Jorge Carreño del Pino, Thesis Defense, Ingeniería Aeronáutica, Universidad de Sevilla, 2017, Advisor: Sergio Esteban
- “Project Based Learning Methodologies Applied to Large Groups of Students: Airplane Design in a Concurrent Engineering Context”, Sergio Esteban, Manuel Ruiz Arahal, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education (IBCE 2015), Volume 48, Issue 29, pp 194-199, Elsevier
- “Development of Unmanned Convertible Aircraft for Rapid and Efficient Deployment in Emergency Situations: Project EMERGENTIA,”, S. Esteban, C. Bordons, X. Blasco, L. Buss-Becker, A. Cuerva, C. Castillo, S. García-Nieto, J. Justo, O. López, J. Macías, J. Martínez, J.L. Mora, J. Normey, M. Ortega, G. Raffo, M. Vargas, DRONE Berlin 2017, Berlin, Germany, September 21-22 2017.
- “Desarrollo de una Aeronave Convertible No-Tripulada para Despliegue Rápido y Eficiente en Situaciones de Emergencia: Proyecto EMERGENTIA”, S. Esteban, C. Bordons, X. Blasco, L. Buss-Becker, A. Cuerva, C. Castillo, S. García-Nieto, J. Justo, O. López, J. Macías, J. Martínez, J.L. Mora, J. Normey, M. Ortega, G. Raffo, M. Vargas, IV Congreso sobre las Aplicaciones de los DRONES a la Ingeniería Civil – CivilDRON’18, ETSII, Madrid, Spain, Fundación de la Energía de la Comunidad de Madrid, January 24-25th, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-697-8936-0.

- 3D Printing Technologies for Aircraft Design
- Development of tools for rapid prototyping during the desing process of VTOL of Search and Resque Missions

© 2018 Sergio Esteban Roncero: contact sesteban@us.es