Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Ingenierķa Aeroespacial

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Desarrollo de una Aeronave Convertible No-Tripulada para Despliegue Rápido y Eficiente en Situaciones de Emergencia
DevElopment of an unManned convERtible aircraft for rapid and efficient deployment in emerGENcy situaTIons
Return to EMERGENTIA Project

Responsibles: JJE
Participants: JJE, LTM, PRC, IGG, SER
- The objective of this package is the structural study of the aircraft based on the results obtained in WP3 and WP4.
- The study will define the structure of both the fuselage and the aerodynamic surfaces capable of supporting both the aerodynamic and propulsive loads of the two prototypes along the entire VTOL-CP envelope.
- The results obtained in this structural study will serve to develop the technological demonstrators that will result in the manufacture of prototypes for the realization of destructive and non destructive structural tests.
- T5.1. Preliminary structural load estimation development:
- Will be developed from the preliminary results of both the aerodynamic and flight mechanics studies, defining a preliminary structure of the different components of the different VTOL-CP prototypes.
- Estimation of the flight envelope diagram from the results of the flight mechanics and structure analysis which will define the load factors to be used in the advanced structural study
- T5.2. Flight envelope study and redefinition of structural loads:
- Estimation of the Vn diagram from the results of the flight mechanics and structure analysis, which will define the load factors to be used in the advanced structural study, and determination of the structural loads throughout the entire flight envelope.
- T5.3. Advanced structural study: from the proposed preliminary structure established in T5.1 will propose a breakdown of laminates and preliminary structures based on experience in the development of aerospace structures. Estimates of tasks T5.1. and T5.2 will be used as input data in the various finite element studies, and the results will serve to make the necessary modifications.
- T5.4 Manufacturing technological demonstrator: from the results obtained in T5.3 will begin to manufacture technological demonstrators validating the manufacturing processes defined in T5.2 and T5.3. This technological demonstrator will focus only one of the two models with which to begin the flight tests to gradually integrate the different technological demonstrators
Feasibility and Contingency Plan:
- Professor SER has extensive experience in the study and manufacture of aeronautical structures using composite materials. This experience has been acquired both in the academic field and in the field of projects with companies.
Available Materials:
- “Estudio numérico preliminar de la estructura en material compuesto para una aeronave tilt-rotor,” Miguel Peña Herrero, Thesis Defense, Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial, Universidad de Sevilla, 2016, Advisor: Jesús Justo Estebaranz and José Antonio Reinoso Cuevas.

© 2017 Sergio Esteban Roncero: contact sesteban@us.es