Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Ingenierķa Aeroespacial
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Desarrollo de una Aeronave Convertible No-Tripulada para Despliegue Rápido y Eficiente en Situaciones de Emergencia
DevElopment of an unManned convERtible aircraft for rapid and efficient deployment in emerGENcy situaTIons
Return to EMERGENTIA Project
Responsibles: JMS
Participants: JMS, SER, CAL, JGEA.
- Development of an extensive study of the current operational protocols in SAR missions in both the civil and military spheres.
- Identify the needs of the SAR teams. These requirements will be identified jointly with the Servicio de Atención Médica de Urgencia (SAMU), in order to define the high level requirements that will feed the different working packages.
- T1.1 Study of operating protocols in SAR missions:
- Study of the current SAR protocols from an emergency perspective.
- Identification of current needs and shortcomings of emergency services assisting in SAR mission:
- identification of medical services: automation of triage processes, transport of blood derivatives, medical equipments, or biological samples.
- Definition of low-level VTOL-CP requirements: will permit to define a reasonable but approximate performance requirements that will help to define the Request For Proposal (RFP)
- T1.2 Development of operating protocols in specific SAR missions for the use of RPAS VTOL:
- Identification of improvements in SAR mission services thanks to the use of UAVs
- Propose new operating protocols according to the capabilities offered by UAVs.
- Study of methodologies and adaptation of protocols according to the uses: automation of triage processes, transport of blood derivatives, medical equipments, or biological samples.
- T1.3 Development of high level requirements for the use of UAVs in SAR missions:
- Definition of high level VTOL-CP requirements: will define RFP in detail (range, payload, speeds).
- Identification of the conditioning needs of the prototype to adapt to the proposed VTOL medical services: requirements in temperature, vibrations, space, ...
- Define the needs for different process such automation of triage processes in SAR missions, or transfer of blood derivatives.
Feasibility and Contingency Plan:
- Researchers JMS and SER, in close collaboration with the SAMU Emergency School, have begun to carry out studies on the needs and requirements that UAVs must have to be able to provide a viable solution within the context of emergencies by developing new operating protocols. In addition JMS is the director of the Master's Degree in Emergency, Disaster and Humanitarian Nursing in the US, where she teaches together with researchers part of the SAMU working team CAL and JGEA. The Master representa a perfect test bech to contextualize the correct design of prototypes based on mission requirements defined by experts in SAR missions.
Available Resources:
- The prototypes developed in the context of Phase I of this project, and that will be manufactured in Phase II, can be evaluated and tested in the advanced facilities owned by SAMU Emergency School where it carries out the Task Crisis Force Exercises (Video CTF 2015). These installations allow to simulate different scenarios of catastrophes such as: air accidents, rail accidents, confined areas, flooded, demolished, paper tower or climbing wall. These installations will allos to test, validate and modify the proposed protocols of operation of UAVS in SAR missions.
Master Thesis
- "Drones en la Gestión de Crisis," Andrades González, Ismael, Master Thesis Defense, Master de Enfermería de Urgencias, Emergencias, Catástrofes y Acción Humanitaria, Universidad de Sevilla, 2015. Advisor: Juana Macías Seda, Co-tutor: Juan González Escalada
- "Revisión Sistemática sobre la Aplicabilidad de los Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados en Emergencias y Catástrofes," De Lizaur Salcedo, Gonzalo, Master Thesis Defense, Master de Enfermería de Urgencias, Emergencias, Catástrofes y Acción Humanitaria, Universidad de Sevilla, 2015. Advisor: Juana Macías Seda
- "Estudio de los protocolos de operación en misiones de búsqueda y rescate con uso de drones," Fernandez Ramirez, Ana, Master Thesis Defense, Master de Enfermería de Urgencias, Emergencias, Catástrofes y Acción Humanitaria, Universidad de Sevilla, 2017. Advisors: Sergio Esteban Roncero y Dª. Juana Macías Seda.
- “Aplicabilidad de los drones en emergencias y catástrofes”, Andrade González, Ismael; JUANA MACIAS SEDA; Gonzalez-escalada-alvarez, Juan; Garrido-fages,Carmen; Alvarez -macías, Alejandro; S. Esteban, XX Congreso Regional Sociedad Española de Medicina de Emergencias Sanitarias, 5-6 Noviembre 2015, Sevilla, España.
- “Nuevas tecnologías en ciencias de la salud: percepción de los profesionales sanitarios acerca del uso de drones en emergencias,” Ismael Andrades González, Luis Miguel Arroyo Ruiz, Alba M.ª Ruiz Castillo, Alberto Coronel Martínez, Sergio Esteban Roncero and Juana Macías Seda, Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación e Innovación en Ciencias de la Salud Hacia la Excelencia en Resultados de Salud, Enfermería Clínica, Enferm Clin. 2017;27(Espec Congr 2):36, ISSN: 1130-8621, IF 0.216 (SJR), 0,37 (CITESCORE 2017), 0,383 (SNIP).
© 2018 Sergio Esteban Roncero: contact sesteban@us.es